5 tips to eat healthy that will cost you nothing to implement

3 min readSep 17, 2021
Photo by Gerald kelvin

Welcome to this edition of Andy parrot. It is not a recipe that concerns us in this case, but the concern to eat better.

Today I want to give you 5 tips to eat healthy but without talking specifically about food. They are small things that one can do without having to undergo major modifications and that help a lot when it comes to generating healthier habits.

This course will allow you to deepen and understand better that it is not about making a radical change in life, but about gradually doing little things that can help.

Well, I’ll tell you:

Strategies to eat healthy that will cost you NOTHING:

1- Eliminate the salt shakers from the table.

It is very common and quite unhealthy to over salt food. To avoid this, it is very useful to remove the salt shaker from easy reach, that is, to put it in an awkward place. When I say uncomfortable, I mean uncomfortable at mealtime, I mean, get it off the table. Instead, it can be in a place that is comfortable for cooking (a container screwed to the wall or close to the space they use to cook) but that involves a lot more movement when adding it to the food once. served.

2- Change the size of your plates.

It is proven that the use of large plates and large utensils lead to serving, and therefore eating, more food. So, to eat a little better, or rather, to eat a little more measured, it can be useful to check the size of the plates.

To take into account: The inside of a plate (the circle where the food goes, not counting the edges), should measure about 15 or 16 cm, This is the case with older dishes.

If the dishes you use daily measure much more than that, as is often the case with those that are modern and cancherous, it may be time for you to take a walk around your grandmother’s house and took some of hers.

3- Turn off the TV.

And by TV I mean any screen or device that distracts you at mealtime. This type of habit encourages you to eat without looking or without being present in that beautiful moment that is eating.

Which in turn causes you not to realize what you eat or pay attention to the portions or your own body when it indicates that it is already satisfied.

4- Do not take the source to the table

This is very useful to decide the portions that you want to eat conscientiously and to measure when serving quantities. If it is similar to the salt shaker: If the source is very close at hand, it is more accessible to serve more portions quickly without thinking about how full we are.

On the other hand, if to serve ourselves more portions it is necessary to get up from the table and walk to the kitchen, before doing so we will have time to evaluate if we really need it.

5- Put healthy foods at eye level.

When arranging purchases, make sure that the healthiest foods, such as fruits and vegetables, or not so processed foods, are in a well visible place.

Thus, at that moment when hunger strikes you, in the afternoon when you get home from work, when you open the refrigerator, the first thing that will appear to your eyes is a beautiful mandarin, or apple or carrot, with its beautiful and tempting colors. , instead of something else less healthy.

That’s all folks! I hope these healthy eating strategies help you. They worked very well for me.

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I am a content writer, I have written internet adverts, YouTube videos, short stories, article, short films, web copy, and of course, scripts and screenplay